Industry 4.0 Specialist
About this Training
Industry 4.0 implementation is a cross-functional field requiring competences in various segments – IT, OT, production processes and further business processes. This training enables an understanding of all relevant fields needed to successfully implement an Industry 4.0 project and to find the right role within the project for team members from one of the various needed specialist areas. Furthermore, you learn putting the individual aspects of an Industry 4.0 project in context with a larger scope Digital Transformation of your plant or company.
Why this Training is right for you
This training is directed at production, logistics, planning, IT or OT specialists who are taking on responsibility for (a major part of) an Industry 4.0 project and want to understand the big picture as well as knowing the requirements and interfaces to the various other disciplines involved in the project.
Training Goals
At the end of the training, you will understand the various roles needed for a successful Industry 4.0 project, gain an overview about the relevant goals, applications, challenges and technologies involved in the other disciplines involved in such a project
Learn more about
- Applications of Industry 4.0 and their impact on various functions in the plant
- Technologies behind Industry 4.0 and their key implications
- Challenges in an Industry 4.0 project and how to overcome them
- How to interact between the individual Industry 4.0 project team and the overall IT and OT infrastructure