Sustainability Assessment & Roadmapping

Daniel Führen
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With our Sustainability Assessment, we provide a transparent and systematic analysis of the current sustainability activities in your company. You will understand how to achieve sustainability goals with a structured and prioritized action plan.

What you get

  • Comprehensive SWOT analysis for all relevant departments based on the dimensions INFRASTRUCTURE, EXTERNAL & INTERNAL COLLABORATION, and CULTURE evaluated according to distinct Sustainability Maturity Levels
  • Individual step-by-step action plan & specific priorities for different departments in order to reach higher sustainability maturity within the next 1-2 years
  • Overview on best practices as reference & recommendations for concrete pilot projects
Process of the Sustainability Assessment

Why it matters?

Already today, the topic of sustainability is driven from different directions:

  • Consumer‘s increasing awareness for emission reduction makes sustainability a central buying criterion
  • New regulations and reporting standards are quickly coming into force which affects business and their functions
  • Increasing costs of energy, commodities, and operations are driving the need for continuous process optimization

Deciders & responsibles for the topic of sustainability must quickly prioritize in order to utilize limited internal and external resources in a targeted manner.

Project Flow

The Sustainability Assessment has a five-step approach:

  1. Kick-off workshop: In a 60-minute meeting, the assessment is introduced, the project approach is explained, the overall  goals are defined, and key contacts & relevant stakeholders are determined
  2. Two to three days on-site visit: Selected training sessions (e.g., regulations, circular economy) and interviews with the relevant  stakeholders and decision-makers are conducted
  3. Analysis Phase: In a 4-6-week analysis phase, the INC team prepares the status-quo analysis, the prioritized and actionable roadmap as well as pilot projects with Best Practices
  4. Final Report Meeting: The assessment results are presented and a workshop with relevant stakeholders is conducted to identify short-, mid-, and long-term including individual recommendations for your company.
  5. Follow-Up Meeting: After internal digestion and discussion of the results, we jointly define the discrete implementation roadmap for your way towards sustainability.

In a nutshell: The results of the final Sustainability Assessment Report can…

  • … be used to prioritize the major sustainability levers in your company
  • … be a tool for department heads and the overall sustainability team to address white spots and to focus resources
  • … help to focus attention on major challenges in individual action fields for measurable  impact

Target Group

The assessment supports executives, decision-makers & managers of manufacturing companies from various industries (automotive, white goods, electronics, consumer goods, machine tools, etc.) in leading the way towards sustainable operations & regulatory compliance. It is suitable for both corporates as well as medium-sized companies.

About Us

We are your one-stop-shop for the development and implementation of technology-driven innovations. From our six locations worldwide, our experts support a wide range of projects from the initial idea, through validation, testing, and piloting, to implementation in concrete products and services. More than 450 satisfied customers have already been convinced by our cutting-edge methods, consulting, training, and implementation services as well as company-building expertise.

General Conditions

Start:     Individually determinable

Duration:  Approx. 2-3 months

Costs: Depending on company size:

  • 19,000 € | up to 250 employees
  • 29,000 € | more than 251 employees

Cooperation Partner

Sustainability Assessment & Roadmapping

Daniel Führen

Head of New Energy Systems
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Daniel Führen
Daniel Führen
Daniel Führen

Daniel Führen

Head of New Energy Systems