Digital Transformation

Your Digitalization Experts

New Momentum for Your Digital Journey!

Many have launched good initiatives for their digital transformation, established new structures and interdisciplinary teams, and triggered the shift towards a digital culture. Still, we frequently observe technology-centered digital roadmaps and a collection of isolated pilot projects that focus on local improvements in one line or factory and lead to a portfolio of non-compatible solutions instead of consistent end-to-end optimizations. We aim to support your digital journey from initial ideation to technical detailing, implementation of pilot projects, and scaling across the organization.

Strategy & Roadmapping

We support you in focusing your resources to maximize the impact of Industry 4.0 rollouts across factories and production networks. Our approach prioritizes the right projects, measures implementation success, and identifies scalable solutions for effective deployment across your factories.

IT/OT System Architectures

We build modern, future-ready IT/OT architectures that transform your operational data into tangible value. By integrating IT systems across your processes and providing tools to leverage data for process automation and informed decision-making, we help drive your organization's success.

Skills Development & Training

We provide practical training programs to strengthen your team's competencies and skills. This ensures they stay at the forefront of developments and best practices in the digital transformation of operations.

Elevate Your Digital Journey

Together we navigate the complexities of setting up a comprehensive Digital Transformation program and scaling it throughout your organization.


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Our Customers

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Explore our highlighted projects showcasing how we turn innovative ideas into thriving businesses and drive growth with strategic expertise.

BSH Turkey: Digital Transformation Program for Multiple Factories on the Çerkezköy Campus

  • Digital Transformation program for the Çerkezköy campus, which houses five factories, including laundry, cooling, dish care and cooking units.
  • Development of a digital roadmap focusing on the improvement of digital capabilities in production processes as well as end-to-end integration of the value chain.
  • Conception of an IT landscape and establishment of system architectures across the factories to capture and orchestrate data for higher visibility in processes and analytic purposes.

Hilti: Digitalization Strategy and Lighthouse Definition for an International Factory Network

  • Development of an integral digitalization strategy for an international factory network to evolve digital capabilities and ensure alignment in all factories of different customer business areas regardless of individual project ROI.
  • Industry 4.0 maturity assessment at relevant reference factories to measure the actual level of digitalization and available digital capabilities as well as development of digital roadmaps for these factories.
  • Conception and organization of lighthouses and pilot projects as testbeds to validate new technologies and applications. Pilot projects are designed to learn in real production environments and subsequently scale them to other lines and factories.

Mess Technology Center MEXT, Istanbul: I4.0 Maturity Assessments and Demonstration Factory

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Let's connect

Jannik Herding

Innovation Manager Industry 4.0
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